Guia Mais BR is an editorial and informational content website accessible through the address, referred to on this page as the “site.” It is owned by WIZIMMERMANN PUBLICIDADE E MARKETING DIGITAL EIRELI, here referred to as “WIZI,” a company based in Florianópolis/SC, registered under CNPJ nº 10.498.315/0001-64, which can be contacted at Avenida Rio Branco, 404, Florianópolis – SC, 88015-200, Brazil.
1. Usage Policy
The use of the site is subject to the provisions contained on this page, and applies to all users, registered or not, for full compliance. Disrespect may result in judicial and extrajudicial measures. Accessing the site presumes that you have read the latest version of these Terms of Use. In addition, we consider that you have agreed to all the conditions indicated here.
2. Copyright
The site is material protected by intellectual property rights. It and each of its elements (texts, photographs, illustrations, layout, trademarks) used or developed by the site or by WIZI with the authorization of their authors are duly protected by Laws 9.609/98 and 9.610/98 and other legislation and cannot be used in any other way except for viewing within the site. Partial or full copying, publishing, or distribution in any media, especially for commercial purposes, is strictly prohibited. Any unauthorized use will constitute an infringement of the rights protected by law, subject to criminal penalties, as well as compensation for material and moral damages in the civil sphere.
3. Advertisements and Funding Sources
The site is entirely funded by advertising displayed on its pages. All advertisements and advertising materials displayed on the site are developed and are the responsibility of third parties. WIZI does not participate in the development of any negotiation and, for this reason, exempts itself from any responsibility regarding products or services that may be acquired by users, as such transactions are carried out entirely outside the site.
4. Privacy
WIZI, the owner of the site, is committed to respecting the privacy of its users’ information, always observing national legislation. User information is confidential and stored in a server environment with the highest security standards. More information about our privacy policy can be found on this page.
5. Disclaimer
We make every possible effort to ensure the accuracy, correctness, and reliability of all content on the site. However, we are not responsible for any damages resulting from the use of the content on it, including but not limited to lost profits and moral or material damages.
6. Changes to the Terms of Use
We reserve the right to modify these terms of use of the site at any time, primarily in compliance with any new regulations or legislation.
7. Legislation and Jurisdiction
The Forum of the district of Florianópolis/SC is elected as competent to judicially resolve any disputes or controversies arising from this document, waiving any other, however privileged it may be or may become.